Apple Update Fixes A Number Of Issues with iOS12
| 0 CommentsThe new iOS 12 was released just three weeks ago, but security flaws have already been discovered. Some of them are [...]
Apple IOS12 Users’ Photos And Contacts May Be Vulnerable
| 0 CommentsJose Rodriguez, a Spanish Apple enthusiast, has discovered a new security flaw to be aware of. He posted a Proof of [...]
Google May Be Getting Rid Of Google Plus
| 0 CommentsIf you're one of the relatively few people who use Google+ in something other than an Enterprise setting, be advised [...]
Payment Pages Are Being Compromised To Steal Data
| 0 CommentsSymantec's most recent statistics have revealed a disturbing trend. Malware designed to compromise checkout pages is [...]
Firefox Adds Data Breach Monitoring Service
| 0 CommentsFirefox is upping the ante where digital security is concerned, having just announced the release of a new, free [...]
Government Payment Processor Exposes Data On Millions Of Americans
| 0 CommentsIf you use the GovPayNet portal, be advised that your personal information is currently at risk. Although at this [...]
Google’s Emergency Location Service Improves 911 Response
| 0 CommentsGoogle is making a small but pivotal change as it relates to calls placed to 911 operators. Having recently finalized a [...]
G-Suite Users Can View Employee Productivity With Work Insights
| 0 CommentsGoogle has recently made some changes and improvements to its G-Suite. It introduces new tools designed to allow [...]
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