New Windows 10 Update Pulled For Unintended Data Deletion
| 0 CommentsMicrosoft is having problems, and those problems are spilling out onto the company's massive user base. In a highly [...]
Newest WiFi Version Will Be Called WiFi 6
| 0 CommentsMost people don't know what the latest version of WiFi is called. That's the fault of the Wi-Fi Alliance, the group [...]
Spectre Security Built Into New Intel Chip Hardware
| 0 CommentsBy now, almost everyone has heard of the Spectre and Meltdown security flaws that have been making headlines for more [...]
Major Facebook Breach May Have Affected Your Account
| 0 CommentsFacebook got hit hard by a currently unknown group of hackers. If you recently found yourself inexplicably logged out [...]
Apple Update Fixes A Number Of Issues with iOS12
| 0 CommentsThe new iOS 12 was released just three weeks ago, but security flaws have already been discovered. Some of them are [...]
Apple IOS12 Users’ Photos And Contacts May Be Vulnerable
| 0 CommentsJose Rodriguez, a Spanish Apple enthusiast, has discovered a new security flaw to be aware of. He posted a Proof of [...]
Google May Be Getting Rid Of Google Plus
| 0 CommentsIf you're one of the relatively few people who use Google+ in something other than an Enterprise setting, be advised [...]
Microsoft Is Changing How Searches Will Work
| 0 CommentsChange is coming to the way Microsoft handles search across its ecosystem. If you use the home edition of Office, [...]
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