Epson Printer Having Issues? It Could Be A Microsoft Update
| 0 CommentsDo you have an older Epson printer that suddenly stopped working? If so, it may not be the printer at all, but a recent [...]
More Bad News For OnePlus Phone Users
| 0 CommentsOnePlus phones have been getting plenty of bad press lately, thanks to malicious apps found to be factory-installed on [...]
Firefox Doubles Its Speed With Latest Release
| 0 CommentsThe new version of Firefox is out, and if you've moved away from the browser in recent years, it may be time to give it [...]
Apple’s New Face ID May Have Been Compromised
| 0 CommentsTech companies of all shapes and sizes have been on the hunt for the "Holy Grail" of security features since before the [...]
New iPhone X May Be Susceptible To Burn-In
| 0 CommentsApple's new iPhone X is a technological marvel that boasts the best display in the industry today, featuring Super [...]
Many Businesses Found To Be Running Old Microsoft Office Versions
| 0 CommentsWhen an operating system reaches the end of its supported life, such as Windows XP, NT and Vista have, it's big news. [...]
Latest iOS Version May Have Bug That Changes Your Letters
| 0 CommentsIf you're using an Apple device running iOS 11.0.3 or 11.1, you may have noticed some oddities when sending text [...]
Android Gets Fix For KRACK WiFi Vulnerability
| 0 CommentsLast month, a new WiFi security vulnerability known as "Krack" was discovered by a security researcher named Mathy [...]
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