Facebook Post Removals May Soon Get An Appeals Process
| 0 CommentsThere are some big changes coming to Facebook, which may have some serious unintended consequences.
Huge Spike in Malware With Mining Capabilities
| 0 CommentsThere's a new type of hacking attack to be concerned with, and it's growing by leaps and bounds. Called [...]
MyFitnessPal User Information Data Breach Affects 150 Million
| 0 CommentsAnother week, another high-profile data breach. This time, it's Under Armour in the hot seat. Under Armour acquired the [...]
Another Google Service Is Going Away
| 0 CommentsIf you are a fan of, and regularly use Goo.gl (the URL shortener service), brace for impact. The company has announced [...]
Remote Desktop Flaw Affects Every Windows Version
| 0 CommentsResearchers at Preempt Security recently discovered a critical flaw in Microsoft's Credential Security Support Provider [...]
RottenSys Malware Has Infected 5M Android Devices Since 2016
| 0 CommentsThere's a new threat on the horizon, according to security researchers from Check Point. A group of hackers in China [...]
Google Changing Name Of Android Wear Without Updates
| 0 CommentsWearable computing devices from smart watches to glasses are struggling to find an audience, and Google's Android Wear [...]
Intel Taking Additional Steps To Prevent Security Flaws
| 0 CommentsBy now, you've almost certainly heard of "Spectre," one of two recently discovered security flaws that impact every [...]
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